Hace mucho que no paso por aquí y el verano ya está apunto de acabar. Puedo decir que han pasado muchas cosas... No renové mi contrato en el trabajo, me arrepeñntí pero no miré atrás, necesitaba un cambio, me dieron plaza para hacer el Erasmus, celebré mi cumpleaños, asistí a mi primer festival, conocí a gente nueva, me fui de viaje, me robaron, encontré un nuevo trabajo y... Bueno, las clases empiezan en breves.
No tengo muchas ganas de empezar la rutina. Compaginar las clases y el trabajo es algo agotador pero a la vez satisfactorio, sobretodo porque de ambas cosas puedes aprende muchísimo.
It's been a long time since the last time I posted but I'm quite busy and I don't have a computer at the moment so it's difficult for me to update.
These months have been pretty interesting. One of the best thing that happened has been that've got accepted to do an Erasmust next year to Poland! How great is that? I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it since for it I have to earn a lot of money but... well... Now I have the chance so I'm really excited and looking forward to it.
Some of my classmates are on an Erasmus right now and they experiences sound so great and interesting that I can't wait until next year.
The other thing that is making me so happy is that Spring is right in the cornet so the sun is shinning almost every day and the weather is getting warmer. Oh, how I love this!
I hope to be able to update this more usually and since Summer will be here in 3 months I'm sure I will.